Inspired by resilience

After an appointment early this morning, I decided to return home on foot to get my “daily” exercise. The temperature was a mild 8C / 43F degrees which I concluded was a bargain during this third week of January!

Starting my walk (Photo by Kean Smith)

I walked through a forested park with walking trails and a playground. While walking through the park and trying to stay in the moment as recommended by best selling author Eckhark Tolle, I could not help but notice what I will call the natural resolve of trees.

Forested Park with playground (Photo by Kean Smith)

These trees were waiting. Yes waiting. Waiting with resolve. Without an alarm, without a wake up call, without a Text, or Whatsapp message from a friend will end their hibernation and start growing leaves again. COVID-19 or not, without being prompted … here comes the leaves.

The peace and quiet related to COVID-19 restrictions. (Photo by Kean Smith)
Approaching the end of my walk (Photo by Kean Smith)

I was inspired by these trees. So resilient and consistent. While I am obviously not a tree, I believe that I can benefit from increasing my resilience and being more consistent.

What about you?

Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Kean Smith at

How can we reverse the COVID-19 slide in education?

There is evidence emerging to show that school closures have resulted in actual learning loss – a ‘COVID slide’.

This point was made in a recent blog entitled “Is the COVID-19 slide in education real?” and published on the World Bank website on 8 December, 2020, authored by Robin Donnelly & Harry A. Patrinos.

Three recommendations were made to mitigate this COVID-19 slide: ” … implementing learning recovery programs, protecting education budgets, and preparing for future shocks.”

Some basic tools to facilitate education instruction – Photo by Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

I recommend this short read for education stakeholders and anyone or any organisation who supports UN SDG4, United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4 – Quality Education.


Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Kean Smith at