To Amsterdam … day return

You probably remember in March, 2020 that the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic.

We all experienced various degrees of restrictions in our daily lives from social distance to curfews. These restrictions also effected our travel within our countries and between countries. The transportation sector and travel industry bears many “scars” of this reality.

Since about mid December, 2020 I have not travelled more than 3 miles away from home. All shopping and exercise took place and continues to take place online or within a 3 mile radius. Wow, such a “small” world!

So I wonder whether you have been experiencing similar travel limitation?

Earlier this month as spring approached, we decided to travel to another city for an essential service.

“A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step” – Lao Tzu

The first task was to take the Tram to the Central Station. It was a sunny day and I later realised that sunny weather in this city means something else in the city of our destination.

Tram stop – Photo by Kean Smith

Inside the Tram – Photo by Kean Smith

After a relatively short tram ride, we arrived at the Den Haag Centraal. From this Station we planned to take a train. Like other jurisdictions, we needed to wear a mask to enter the train station and to take a train.

Den Haag Centraal (The Hague Central Station) – Photo by Kean Smith

After finishing our business in Amsterdam, we stopped to a very historic shop that is popular with Amsterdam residents and visitors alike.

Vleminckx – Photo by Kean Smith
Vleminckx – Photo by Kean Smith
Frietjes (French Fries) with sauces – Spicy Ketchup (left) and Piccalilly with Spicy Ketchup (right) Photo by Kean Smith
Two Immovable Heads 2021 by Mark Manders near the junction of Rokin and Dam Photo by Kean Smith

With Frietjes in hand, we headed north along Rokin.

Details affixed to the pavement about the art work and artist Photo by Kean Smith

Square in front of Koninklijk Paleis Amsterdam (Royal Palace Amsterdam) – Photo by Kean Smith

While this square is normally filled by people, and performers it was virtually empty. As I look at this photo now, I wonder whether the pigeons miss the humans? Not.

Parked Canal Cruise Boats – Amsterdam – Photo by Kean Smith

Canal Cruise Boats owners and staff are definitely negatively impacted by travel restrictions. This area is normally very busy with visitors boarding boats. As I walked pass these boats, I was reminded that whether you are in Amsterdam, Tokyo, Nairobi, Brasilia, Nassau or New York, the tourism industry has suffered because of restrictions implemented to mitigate against worsening public health conditions.

Amsterdam Centraal (Amsterdam Central Station) Photo by Kean Smith

After competing our business and enjoying a treat at Vleminckx, we headed for Amsterdam Centraal to take a train back home.

When we left home, the temperature was a reasonable 9C (48F) and I dressed for the occasion but I did not anticipate that the temperature would dip to 7C (44F), less wind chill!

Lesson learnt.

Like you, we are optimistic that the roll out of COVID-19 vaccines will continue as smoothly as possible for all of us.