Interview of Yonell Justilien – World Teachers’ Day 5 October

In the following interview, we ask Yonell Justilien, an educator, about what can be done to retain and attract teachers especially during this COVID-19 pandemic and with a view of achieving Target 4.1 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 4.

Interviewer: According to UNESCO Institute of Statistics, about 69 million teachers must be recruited to achieve universal primary and secondary education by 2030.  What are three things you believe that education stakeholders can do to retain and attract teachers in The Bahamas?

Justilien: Teaching over 31 years in The Bahamas has been nothing but rewarding for me. My satisfaction and motivation have always been fueled by the success of my students moving on to higher learning and the working community. Although there have been some improvements in the educational system in The Bahamas, there are still too many challenges. Some of these challenges are responsible for the increasing rate of teacher burnout and early retirements. The teaching life-span of many education professionals today are getting shorter. This is partially due to the unexpected challenges that are connected to increasing number of social ills in the communities they serve.

Yonell Justilien

If we are to turn this trend of losing teachers around, major changes must be made on how educators are viewed, establish a more attractive salary scale and improve the working environment.

The country’s social decay I believe stems from the breakdown in family structure and the decline of Christian values. These deficiencies of the family structure are now affecting the social maturity and behavioral patterns of many students in the classroom. When a child fails, more fingers are pointed at the teaching professionals and very little responsibility at the feet of the home and community environment. Parents must be held accountable for the actions of their children and better partnership must be established between all stakeholders in the community to ensure an overall healthy environment for our youths to grow.

For too long many other professions with the same level of academic qualifications have been made more attractive with better salary scales and other incentives than the education professionals. Many bright minds who would have loved teaching ended up seeking alternative professions with better salary structures and benefits. Each year teachers are leaving the profession in search for better opportunities and others are engaged in a second form of income to make a better living for their families. If educators are treated like professionals in every way, I believe the teacher shortage challenges will be solved. A bold effort must be made to compensate the teaching professionals for what they are truly worth.

Another area that contributes to teaching challenges is the instructional environment. This includes physical infrastructure, teaching materials / equipment and safety protocols. The comfort of teachers and student along with a safe teaching environment play a great role in the outcome of each child. Government budget should not be compromised when it comes to furnishing schools with all that is necessary to yield a more favorable outcome.  

Interview of Alexandria Turnquest – World Teachers’ Day 5 October

In the following interview, we ask Alexandria Turnquest, an educator, questions about this international day and generally about the effectiveness of virtual classes and how local communities can further support teachers during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Interviewer: The use of technology is expected to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of delivering services.  As far as you are aware, have virtual classes improved the efficiency and effectiveness of the delivery of classes?  In your view are students generally more at risk of being left behind?  If so, then how and why?

Turnquest: Learning is a personal thing, you have to want to understand and as a result you will do what is required for you to achieve the level of understanding that is required to say that you have learned something. Students who have realized this will flourish, with or without the teacher, as they have developed a level of intrinsic motivation. The use of virtual classes has not affected this student as severely as it has the unmotivated or academically challenged student, the exception to this being the lack of technical support for this student, i.e. If the student lacks internet access, or a device that can handle the rigours of virtual classes or the skill to manipulate the device to attend virtual classes. These three deficiencies are a problem for any student no matter the academic ability.

The word efficient is defined as a system achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense or an individual working in a well-organized and competent way. The word effective is defined as success in producing a desired or intended result. With these in mind, I cannot say that this process has been efficient as the productivity is subjective, yes we have held classes, but how many students have attended? Did the students learn anything in those classes? So the hours of preparation by the teacher, which most definitely is NOT minimum effort, has it been wasted? The teacher, being one of the individuals in this scenario, in order to achieve a level of organization and competency, has developed many strategies to ensure that the teaching –learning dynamic is achieved. Teaching ONE class can be a delicate balance of using the Ministry of Education’s prescribed virtual programme on one computer, along with an additional computer/tablet for resource material, using your cell phone to included those students unable to utilize that platform, meanwhile fielding texts or calls from parents and students experiencing technical challenges and being mindful of the student whose data is about to run out.

Alexandria Turnquest (far left) during Girl Guide Rangers installation meeting

Having spent four weeks in these virtual classrooms there are many students who have not attended classes on a regular basis for reasons that are varied but unknown if schools are not made aware of the challenges they may be facing. Some parents and students haven’t taken this seriously and are still hoping that we return face to face, while others think that this is “pretend school”. These delinquent students are typically the low flyers, the unmotivated and ones in greatest need of individualized attention.

Interview: What can local communities do to further support teachers during this COVID-19 pandemic?

Turnquest: I can say that I am currently sitting in a luxurious position as my former challenges with internet access have been significantly reduced. Had this virtual teaching been required of us last academic year, it would have been IMPOSSIBLE. Having internet access is crucial to the delivery of virtual lessons, so if only this one thing can be provided for teachers it will be one step closer to effectively and efficiently deliver virtual lessons.

Parental support is crucial. There are many instances where the household is unsettled, noisy and completely distracting. Students need a quiet space to focus on the lessons and be able to freely participate in the classes. Students should not be babysitting or doing chores while in virtual classes, or be made to feel embarrassed by their parent’s unruly behaviour in the background.

It is my belief that a marriage between the old and new would bring best results as we transition to this more technological era in education. By simply providing a hard copy workbook for the students to complete assignments in while teaching virtually and providing notes digitally, I think would give the parents and students a more traditional approach to attaining grades and completing assignments while pushing them to access information virtually.

It is also my hope that research is done to determine what has been working and what challenges we have had to correct them and improve the delivery of education in the future.

Interview of Veron Adderley – World Teachers’ Day 5 October

In the following interview, we ask Veron Adderley, an educator, questions about this international day and generally about how the COVID-19 pandemic changed teaching and whether there has been a renewed appreciation for teachers in the wake of the pandemic.

Interviewer: What are some of the ways that teaching has changed for you and your colleagues since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?

Adderley: Since the beginning of the pandemic, a lot has for me and my colleagues in teaching. We have had to transition from full face to face teaching and collaboration to the full online educational environment. This has resulted in teachers having to quickly learn new strategies and technologies which otherwise would may have taken years for us as whole to learn and adopt. The workload has undoubtedly, increased for teachers but so has creativity. Many teachers find themselves spending less time marking as a result of technology that can do so automatically and more time planning more creative ways to keep students engaged amidst the many distractions that students encounter while they are away from school. Teachers also found themselves in continual training courses and sessions both on their own and professionally as well as in frequent virtual meetings and having to be readily available to the answer the questions of students and parents well outside of the normal school hours. Despite the many challenges that exist with online education, teachers have been become more united and consistent in instruction taught across the various different schools. They have also embraced technology and new innovative ideas on a wider and more in depth scale. Having increased collaboration and meetings through online platforms as educators they have planned, shared and agreed on resources and instructional content that should be delivered to students in a team effort. Many teachers have even been engaged in team teaching in the virtual space to increase effectiveness of content delivery and to better educate our students. Though online teaching has its limitations it also has its benefits and a merger of both face to face and online teaching promises to be an effective and viable path for the future growth of the education system.

Veron Adderley

Interviewer: In your view, since the beginning of the pandemic, has there been a renewed appreciation of teachers and the role they play in supporting social and economic life of the bahamian society? Please explain.

Adderley: Yes certainly there has been a renewed appreciation of teachers and the role they play in supporting the life of the Bahamian society both socially and economically. People in general have been concerned about how the current lack of face to face instruction from teachers will affect student achievement across the Commonwealth of The Bahamas as online education continues to be the norm for many schools during the pandemic. Their concern is how this will impact The Bahamas in the future as it is widely accepted that face to face instruction is superior to online education for children because the teacher is physically present to manage the class better. Parents themselves have begun to recognize the need for increased communication and partnership with teachers so that their children will not miss out on being taught the knowledge and skills necessary to function effectively in society. Many of them have been calling teachers outside of school hours to ask questions related to their child’s academic performance, classes enrollment and conduct. In some cases where parents did not have the teacher’s contact some of them have reached out to the school as well as fellow teachers to leave their contact for their child’s teacher. Society’s appreciation of teachers and the role they play in supporting the social and economic life of our society is shown in the support they have given during this pandemic even as parents who are home during school hours have ensured that their child is present to class and focusing on the lesson taught rather than being disruptive. Finally, more and more parents are becoming dedicated to making sure that their children have devices to take advantage of online instruction from their teachers.

IOSCO publishes guidelines for use of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Board of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO) published on 7 September, 2021 guidance to help its members regulate and supervise the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) by market intermediaries and asset managers.

The use of AI and ML … create or amplify risks, potentially undermining financial market efficiency and harming consumers and other market participants. – Source: IOSCO Media Release IOSCO/MR/23/2021 ( )

Interview of Mrs. Sonja Rolle – International Day of Sign Languages 23 September

By United Nations General resolution (A/RES/72/161) “[t]he … General Assembly proclaimed [and established] 23 September as the International Day of Sign languages in order to raise awareness of the importance of sign language in the full realization of the human rights of people who are deaf.”

In the following interview, we ask Mrs. Sonja Rolle questions about this international day and generally about people in The Bahamas who are deaf and hard of hearing.

Interviewer: Mrs. Rolle, thank you for agreeing to this interview.  I believe that it is safe to say that you are part of the deaf community.  How did you initially become introduced or connected to the deaf community in The Bahamas and how are you involved now?

Rolle: I was introduced to the Deaf and hard of hearing in The Bahamas while attending the College of the Bahamas in 1977. Presently I am the Principal of the only school for the Deaf in The Bahamas which is located in New Providence.

Interviewer: The Bahamas is comprised of multiple inhabited islands.  Are there deaf people living on any other island besides New Providence?  If yes then please share which islands and the number of people if you are aware.

Rolle: Yes, there are deaf living on other islands besides New Providence. In Grand Bahama there are about 4 students that are presently integrated in the regular school with one teacher of the deaf and a teacher’s aide. There are also deaf living on Eleuthera and Andros who are school age with special instructions. Other deaf have not been identified at this time because the proper screening is not available.

Interviewer: Is there a national organisation or regional organisations that connect deaf people in The Bahamas?  And what about in the Americas?  Are there any international organisations that connect the deaf community?

Rolle: The Bahamas has a National Commission for Persons with Disabilities that advocate for the needs of the Deaf.

Interviewer: Today, 23 September, is observed as International Sign Languages Day.  What are some of the programmes or projects that the deaf community has organised this year to raise awareness of the importance of sign languages?

Rolle: Ms. Erin Brown who works at the Disabilities Desk at the University of The Bahamas, is working with the school with advertisements on television stations and social media.

Centre for the Deaf, Deaf Awareness Week – Church Service

Interviewer: According to the World Federation of the Deaf, there are more than 70 million deaf people worldwide and collectively they use more than 300 sign languages.  Would you categorise sign languages as separate and distinct languages similar to English, Chinese Mandirin, or Yoruba?  Please explain.

Rolle: Yes, sign language is a distinct language with its own syntax and semantics. It is learned naturally by the Deaf.

Interviewer: Is sign language respected as a separate language in The Bahamas or this region, the Americas?

Rolle: In The Bahamas sign language is considered a dialect or broken English.

Interviewer: Fernand de Varennes, the Special Rapporteur on minority issues said on 11 March, 2020 when presenting his latest report to the Human Rights Council in Genevan that “[c]hildren from linguistic minorities should be taught in their own mother tongue…”.  Do you agree with this?  To what extent is education (i.e. pre-school, primary, secondary, and tertiary level) being offered to deaf children using their mother tongue, Sign Language?

Rolle: I believe this to be true. My school started as an oral school where students were not taught sign language. Later we taught them using exact English. Today we are seeing the need to introduce our students first to their native language.

Chess Instructor – Kean Smith with students at Centre for the Deaf

Interviewer: If I was deaf and I use sign language as a means of communications, which government services will I be able to access using sign language?  Does this provide deaf people with adequate access to public services? 

Rolle: Presently there is one Deaf interpreter working at the Ministry of Social Services and Urban Development.

Interviewer: How has these limited services generally impacted the lives of deaf people through The Bahamas?

Rolle: It causes frustration especially to those who are unable to read and write.

Interviewer:  Are there any institutions that offer Sign Language classes?  When and where? 

Rolle: Classes are offered by the Centre for the Deaf, Interpreter/ parent and the three churches that have deaf Ministries.

Interviewer: We are all living through the COVID-19 Pandemic.  Was there and is there a need to provide targeted COVID-19 related communications for people who are deaf? 

Rolle: Information related to COCID 19 was always in sign language by the interpreter working at Social Services.

Interviewer: In the view of the deaf community, are deaf people embraced or included as part of the larger bahamian society?  I am specifically referring to social, economic and political inclusion of the deaf community as identified in Goal 10 of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.  Are deaf people generally hopeful for meaningful change in the short term over the next 2-3 years?

Rolle: The simple answer is No, however we are making baby steps with the assistance of jobs and entry  into tertiary education.

Interviewer: Thank you once again for agreeing to this interview.  As we close, is there anything about this day or topic that you wish to share?

Rolle: The deaf and hard of hearing are still without a school/headquarters that they can call their own. Presently we are working out of rented facilities. The school’s committee is in the process of purchasing a building for this group. 

Interviewer: Thank you and wishing you all the best with your plans and looking forward to us talking again soon.

Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Kean Smith at

NPO Corner – “Prepare for regulatory issues now”

Most non-profit organisations in The Bahamas should be aware of the Non-Profits Organisations Act, 2019 (“the Act”) and should already be registered or in the process of submitting an application for registration because it is now a legal requirement for active non-profit organisaitons to be registered under the Act.

As a new registrant or potential registrant under the Act, I recommend that your organisation take necessary steps to include a qualified lawyer as part of its network. Yes, please make sure that the lawyer is Call to the Supreme Court of The Bahamas or is Registered as an Associate with the Supreme Court of The Bahamas. As part of your due diligence you can make a phone call or send an email inquiry to the Registrar of the Supreme Court of The Bahamas to confirm the lawyer’s status.

Photo by Melinda Gimpel on Unsplash

A casual read of Part IV – Powers of the Registrar, and Part V – Record-Keeping and Reporting of the Act along with the penalties for breach of the Act should convince your organisation to take steps and start seeking out a qualified lawyer or two for your network.

Having speedy access to legal advice or consultation could be critical when having to respond to regulatory issues which require a different skill set that you may find in a Litigation Counsel.

So a word to the wise … before you need a lawyer start thinking about suitable qualified lawyers who you can approach now and find out whether they have experience in contentious and non-contentious regulatory matters.

Not only that a word to the wise is sufficient but planning ahead will improve the quality of your decisions as you begin your search.

All the best!

Feel free to direct any questions to Kean Smith at or comment below.

International Literacy Day – 8 September


“In 1966, UNESCO proclaimed 8th September International Literacy Day to remind the international community of the importance of literacy for individuals, communities and societies, and the need for intensified efforts towards more literate societies.” – United Nations

A new definition of Literacy?

“Beyond its conventional concept as a set of reading, writing and counting skills, literacy is now understood as a means of identification, understanding, interpretation, creation, and communication in an increasingly digital, text-mediated, information-rich and fast-changing world.” – UNESCO

Child reading (Photo by Guy Basabose on Unsplash)

Further benefits of Literacy?

 “… [A]cquiring and improving literacy skills throughout life [i]s an intrinsic part of the right to education. The “multiplier effect” of literacy empowers people, enables them to participate fully in society and contributes to improve livelihoods.

Literacy is also a driver for sustainable development in that it enables greater participation in the labour market; improved child and family health and nutrition; reduces poverty and expands life opportunities.” – UNESCO

Photo by Christina Hawkins on Unsplash

Did you know?

Below are a selection of statistics that gives a view of the state of international literacy:

  • 773 million adults and young people lack basic literacy skills;
  • 617 million children and adolescents are not achieving minimum proficiency levels in reading and mathematics;
  • During the initial phase of the pandemic, schools were closed disrupting the education of 62.3 per cent of the world’s student population of 1.09 billion and;
  • Adult literacy and education were absent in initial education response plans, therefore many youth and adults with no or low literacy skills have had limited access to life-saving information.

Things to consider?

What is the level of literacy in your community? (consider people with and without disabilities)

Are you concerned?

Should you be concerned?

Maybe its time to organise a self help literacy project if you are concerned about this issue and achieving the Sustainable Development Goal 4 (Quality Education): Target 4.6.

International Day for People of African Descent – 31 August

“Wherever you are today, share this day with other people of African Descent … peace and blessings.”Kean

“The International Day for People of African Descent will be celebrated for the first time on 31 August 2021. Through this Observance the United Nations aims to promote the extraordinary contributions of the African diaspora around the world and to eliminate all forms of discrimination against people of African descent.

People of African Descent (Photo by Luemen Rutkowski on Unsplash)

International days reflect the values that society shares. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights and have the potential to contribute constructively to the development and well-being of their societies. Any doctrine of racial superiority is scientifically false, morally condemnable, socially unjust, and dangerous and must be rejected, together with theories that attempt to determine the existence of separate human races.

The United Nations strongly condemns the continuing violent practices and excessive use of force by law enforcement agencies against Africans and people of African descent and condemns structural racism in criminal justice systems around the world. The Organization further acknowledges the Transatlantic Slave Trade as one of the darkest chapters in our human history and upholds human dignity and equality for the victims of slavery, the slave trade and colonialism, in particular people of African descent in the African diaspora.” – (

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition – 23 August

The UNESCO Executive Board adopted Resolution 29 C/40 at its 29th session which “[proclaimed] 23 August of every year ‘International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition’…”

“The night of 22 to 23 August 1791, in Santo Domingo (today Haiti and the Dominican Republic) saw the beginning of the uprising that would play a crucial role in the abolition of the transatlantic slave trade.

This International Day is intended to inscribe the tragedy of the slave trade in the memory of all peoples. In accordance with the goals of the intercultural project “The Slave Route”, it should offer an opportunity for collective consideration of the historic causes, the methods and the consequences of this tragedy, and for an analysis of the interactions to which it has given rise between Africa, Europe, the Americas and the Caribbean.

The Director-General of UNESCO invites the Ministers of Culture of all Member States to organize events every year on that date, involving the entire population of their country and in particular young people, educators, artists and intellectuals.

International Day for the Remembrance of the Slave Trade and its Abolition was first celebrated in a number of countries, in particular in Haiti (23 August 1998) and Goree in Senegal (23 August 1999). Cultural events and debates too were organized. The year 2001 saw the participation of the Mulhouse Textile Museum in France in the form of a workshop for fabrics called “Indiennes de Traite” (a type of calico) which served as currency for the exchange of slaves in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.”” (UNESCO)

3 Steps – Contracts for small businesses and small non-profits

Did you know that “[p]rior to the [COVID-19] crisis, 22 per cent of young people were not in employment, education or training (NEET), one in seven young men and one in three young women. The decline in employment caused by the COVID-19 crisis has not been compensated by returns to education and training. Hence, the NEET rate has risen in many countries and remains higher than before the crisis.” (United Nations website)

As a result of this protracted issue of youth unemployment, more youth are exploring small business ventures as a means of gainful employment.

In this blog I wish to share three steps that you can take to assist you with demonstrating that a contract exist.

The three steps are as follows:

  1. Make sure you are clear who are you contracting with. For example, are you contracting with a person or a company?
  2. What are the terms of this contract?  What is/are the service(s) that you will deliver and what are the obligations of the person/company that you are providing the services to?  (Note that these terms should be put in writing using a basic email, invoice or text message and sent to your client for confirmation. Use the client’s name in this correspondence).
  3. Require a deposit from your client and give them a receipt once the deposit is received.

The benefit of using these three steps is that you will be using and documenting basic elements of a contract.  Many small businesses experience breaches of contract and do not have any recourse because it is difficult for them to demonstrate that a contract exist.

Following these three basic steps will assist you with demonstrating that a contract exist if the contract is breached.

Feel free to direct any questions to Kean Smith at or comment below.