Coronation of King Charles III – 3 days to go … Photos

On the weekend I decided to go to Central London for a quiet walk and take some photos of Buckingham Palace and the route that King Charles III will take on Saturday 6 May.

Below are some photos of the Buckingham Palace area. You will also see that my idea was not a novel one.

Buckingham Palace – Main Gate (Photo by K. A. Smith)

Buckingham Palace – Green Park side (Photo by K. A. Smith)

Queen Victoria Memorial (boarded up and protected) with Buckingham Palace in the background
(Photo by K. A. Smith)

Press Booths on the ready (Photo by K. A. Smith)

Yes, more Press Booths facing Buckingham Palace (Photo by K. A. Smith)

Buckingham Palace -front view (Photo by K. A. Smith)

View from between Buckingham Palace and Queen Victoria Memorial. Seating area can be seen to the right in the background. Photo taken facing the direction of the Mall (Photo by K. A. Smith)

Seating area facing Queen Victoria Memorial and Buckingham Palace
(Photo by K. A. Smith)

Tomorrow I will post photos of St. James Park, The Mall and Admiralty Arch.