Why not invest in tech start-ups?

Last year, on March 11, 2020 The World Health Organisation declared the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak a global pandemic. From then to now, all of our lives have changed. Working from home is more common place and businesses in some cases have taken major steps to offer and/or deliver services online.

Shopping online by Photo by rupixen.com on Unsplash

As a means of adjusting and trying to make my time count, I decided to build my personal capacity. For example, I completed a Bid Writing Course that was delivered online. While the course was very interesting, it is a story for another day. Instead, I would like to share some information with you that might lead to very profitable investments. About one month before the WHO declared COVID-19 a Pandemic, I read a life changing book.

The book I am referring to is “Angel” by Jason Calacanis.

This is a book about angel investing from the perspective of a successful angel investor. I found it be be a hybrid of the history of technology start-ups and a straight forward easy to understand strategy “play book” on how to invest as an angel investor in technology start-ups. Yes start-ups. Technology start-ups like Uber and Linkedin. While it may be challenging to locate these start-ups because you might be new to angel investing, you can always join a syndicate of angel investors. Interesting right? I found the content of the book fascinating.

I highly recommend this book if you are looking to broaden your general knowledge about angel investing and the history of technology start-ups.

Happy reading.

Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Kean Smith at kean@smithkas.com