Inspired by resilience

After an appointment early this morning, I decided to return home on foot to get my “daily” exercise. The temperature was a mild 8C / 43F degrees which I concluded was a bargain during this third week of January!

Starting my walk (Photo by Kean Smith)

I walked through a forested park with walking trails and a playground. While walking through the park and trying to stay in the moment as recommended by best selling author Eckhark Tolle, I could not help but notice what I will call the natural resolve of trees.

Forested Park with playground (Photo by Kean Smith)

These trees were waiting. Yes waiting. Waiting with resolve. Without an alarm, without a wake up call, without a Text, or Whatsapp message from a friend will end their hibernation and start growing leaves again. COVID-19 or not, without being prompted … here comes the leaves.

The peace and quiet related to COVID-19 restrictions. (Photo by Kean Smith)
Approaching the end of my walk (Photo by Kean Smith)

I was inspired by these trees. So resilient and consistent. While I am obviously not a tree, I believe that I can benefit from increasing my resilience and being more consistent.

What about you?

Please feel free to direct any questions or comments to Kean Smith at

8 Replies to “Inspired by resilience”

  1. Mr. Smith,

    What a wonderful ponder for this day!!! I thank you!!! And while, you enjoy your 43 degrees in Fahrenheit , I will think of my pine trees here in my yard and their resolve, and enjoy my 77 degrees :0)

    1. Thanks for your kind words. I have concluded that green spaces like that forest is an ideal place for “self calibration”.

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