Activation – 7 Act of Kindness to Strangers

Last week I had the pleasure of listening to Dr. Wanye Thompson’s weekly advice posted on Facebook.

In short he charged listeners to get up of their seats of complaint and do 7 acts of kindness to strangers. The idea is to start countering our environment from becoming more contentious as it is heavily polluted with derogatory words.

So I took up the challenge.

Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

Below are my results so far:

Friday 1 April, 2022 – was introduced to a new hire at work. At the end of the work day while leaving the office, I shared my experiences with the induction training and told him if he has any questions that I would be happy to help

Saturday 2 April, 2022 – left home with about 70p with the intention of giving it to someone. These were coins that I had accumulated for several months. Later in the day I saw a man sitting in front of a Marks & Spenser Store on Ealing Broadway while he was asking people passing for spare change. I placed the 70p in his cup and gave him a thumbs up. He gave me a “Thank you”

Monday 4 April, 2022 – On a few occasions over the past weeks I noticed a cleaner in the office building who works quietly and efficiently on small projects. So today, when I walked pass her I made eye contact and greeted her with a “Good afternoon”. She returned the greeting.

Tuesday 5 April, 2022 – While at the counter in a restaurant waiting to make a take away order, a young girl (I estimate to be about 12 years old) asked one the staff for a box cover. After several attempts, the server did not understand. When the server’s back was turned to the counter I suggested to the girl to ask for a cover for the bucket. The girl followed my suggestion and got the cover/lid she wanted. As she turned to walk away, she said “Thank you”

Wednesday 6 April, 2022 – While in a grocery store, a woman pretended that she did not see me in front of the queue. When it was time for the next shopper she looked at me as if she was confused. I smiled and gestured that she should proceed before me.

Thursday 7 April, 2022 – Wanted to buy a magazine to support a homeless vendor but I did not have enough money … so I contributed the money I had to her.

Above is my list. Join me and share one of your experiences in the comment section below.

All the best.